My player has played with another minor hockey association but will be transferring to the Bow River Bruins.
☐ My player, as of September 1, is a permanent resident of one of these communities:
- Bowness
- Crestmont
- Greenwood
- Greenbriar
- Lynx Ridge
- Montgomery
- Point McKay
- Rockland Park
- Rocky Ridge
- Royal Oak
- Trinity Hills
- Tuscany
- Valley Ridge
☐ My player lives in one of these communities with a parent or legal guardian.
☐ My player is between the ages of 5 – 17 years of age as of December 31
☐ I have reviewed the programs offered on the Bow River Bruins website
If you have answered yes to all of the above questions, please proceed below.
If you have answered NO to any of the questions above please refer to the Hockey Calgary website for information on other Community Associations
Registration Steps
- If necessary, Complete the Respect In Sport module at this link: RESPECT IN SPORT PARENT
- Please be sure to add your player to your Respect In Sport Profile. Directions on how to do so can be found here: Adding a player to you RIS profile
- Complete the Parent Declaration Form
- Email the Administrator with the following information:
- Subject Line should read: New Transfer – Insert Last Name, First Name of Player
- Scanned copy of the completed Parent Declaration Form
- Scanned copy of the player(s) birth certificate or passport
- Scanned copy of acceptable proofs of residency as outlined in the Parent Declaration Form
- Primary parent contact name, email address and phone number
- Confirm Respect in Sport Certification Number
- Upload documents in Hockey Canada Registry
- Request player file transfer for new player(s) in Hockey Canada Registry
- Notify parent of successful player file transfer and provide registration link
- Complete on-line registration

Bow River Bruins Hockey Association
PO BOX 27048 RPO Tuscany SDM
Calgary, Alberta T3L 2Y1