The purpose of this page is to serve as a resource to welcome, inform, support and connect Bow River Bruins goalies and their families. While we will push some information out to goalie families, please check regularly for updates to current news and other important information.

Goalie Committee Chair:  Marco Colonna



The Bow River Bruins Hockey Association follows Hockey Canada guidelines around the goalie position by age group

  • U9: The goalie position is rotated through the team for both practices and games, and one set of equipmentis provided to each team to support this. Players with their own equipment are welcome to use it, and to work with their coaches to gain extra practice time.  See the link for the Intro to Hockey Resource Guide about goalie rotation, and for the goalie rotation form to be used by each U9 team.
  • U11: The goalie position is selected by players upon registration and is selected for the season. Beginning in 2020 there will be a U11 Hybrid Goalie option. Please refer to Hockey Calgary's U11 Hybrid Goaltender Program for more information.
  • U13 & older: The goalie position is selected by players upon registration. Goalies select their position for the season (per Hockey Calgary rules, they cannot ‘play out’ as players). New goalies may select this position heading into the season at any age/year group in U13 & older.
  • Each team in U13 & older will have 1-2 goalies placed on it. Partner goalies should receive fair play time, though it is up to the team level to decide the goalie rotation strategy.
  • We recognize that in some years we may have situations where there are more goalies in a particular division than there are spots available (available spots = # of teams x 2 goalies/team). Should that situation arise, the goalie committee will work with impacted goalies during and following the evaluation process to identify options or potential options such as playing for other associations or switching to player.


  • Goalie evaluations are separate too, and start before, player evaluations. This has traditionally started during the last week of August. The dates will be posted on the BRBHA website, and your age group coordinator will email you to confirm your times.
  • A parent meeting will be held approximately a week before the start of evaluations, and will cover off evaluation process and allow for questions to be asked
  • Goalie evaluations are done by a 3rd party evaluator, and supported by a goalie age group coordinator who is a member of the goalie committee. See the Key Contacts section to find out who your goalie age group coordinator is.
  • If parents have questions throughout the evaluation process, they are to contact their goalie age group coordinator.
  • You can find links to the Evaluation Manual, which outlines what to expect, along with the drills that are expected to form the skills sessions.



  • Coaches can access Hockey Calgary goalie training guides here to support ongoing development of goalies at the team level. We will offer coach training for goalie development at the beginning of the season.
  • Parents or teams may choose to enhance the team and association provided goalie coaching with additional programs. Some examples of options to do so include:
    • Technical training – Many local training provider options are available throughout the city, offering ad hoc private training, camp/evaluation prep or academy-based programs
    • Skating agility – General skating and hockey development programs, such as power skating
    • Additional team-based development – Typical construct would be in Spring hockey, serving as a goalie for a 3x3 or fullteam. Bow River offers a Spring hockey 3x3, with goalie positions available.


The Bow River Bruins Hockey Association is proud to offer existing goalies development sessions throughout the season. This investment is to enhance goalie development at the team level. Our current training partner is Evolution Goaltending.

All sessions will take place 6:30-7:30pm at the Bowness Arena.

  • Jan 10, 2024
  • Jan 24, 2024
  • Feb 7, 2024
  • Feb 21, 2024

* With limited spots available, we ask that you only sign up for the sessions you are sure to make. We understand that unforeseen circumstances happen, but it isn't fair to the goaltenders who would have taken an available space had they been given enough notice. Refunds will not be issued within a week of a session.


If your goalie cannot play in a game, their goalie partner should play. If there is not a goalie partner, or if both goalies are unavailable, Bow River follows the Hockey Calgary affiliate goalie policy:

  • If BEFORE official Hockey Calgary affiliates have been assigned (will be distributed to coaches and managers via Bow River at some point during seeding round):
    • In advance (i.e. the coach knows a goalie is needed in advance of a game)
    • You can use a goalie from any association that is in your division or lower
    • You must obtain approval from the goalie’s head coach clearly stating dates and times
    • Approval must be requested from the division governor after affiliate coach’s approval, again clearly stating dates and times
    • The scoresheet must clearly identify “AP” (affiliate player) upon Hockey Calgary submission
  • If AFTER official Hockey Calgary affiliates have been assigned:
    • Your affiliate goalie must be requested as first order substitution. If they are unable to substitute, follow process above.
  • In case of injury at the game and the team has no goalies for substitute:
    • The opposing team can provide a goalie if they have two, or you can dress a player on your team (full goalie equipment is required)
    • Notification to Hockey Calgary Governor must be sent immediately during/after the game notifying them of the change

Bow River Bruins Hockey Association

PO BOX 27048 RPO Tuscany SDM

Calgary, Alberta T3L 2Y1